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Thursday 28 March 2019


पनीर टिक्का मसाला विधि Paneer Tikka Masala Recipe in Hindi

अब आपके सामने पेश है पनीर टिक्का मसाला, यह व्यंजन निश्चित ही शाकाहारी लोगो के दिलो में जगह ले लेगा| यह पनीर बिलकुल रेस्तरा जैसा ही बनेगा|

पनीर टिक्का मसाला असल में पनीर टिक्का और मसाला तरी को मिलाके बनता है|
अनिल की एक आदत है की रेस्टोरेंट में खाना खाने के बाद वोही स्वाद घर में बनाये खाने का चाहिए| 
शायद पैसे बचाने के लिए!! पर इससे फायदा यह होता है की हम किसी न किसी तरह रेस्टोरेंट के स्वाद को बना ही लेते है अपनी रसोई के मसालों के साथ|

अगर हम सच बोले तो आज से करीब 3 साल पहले हम ये मानते थे की पनीर की बाज़ार जैसी तरी बनाने के लिए बाज़ार का ही बना हुआ कोई मसाला डालना पड़ता है| 
यह भ्रम तब टूटा जब अनिल के दबाव में आकार हमने बहुत सारे मसालों के साथ बहुत बार पनीर अलग - अलग तरीको से बनाया और एक दिन हमें वो स्वाद मिल ही गया जिससे हमेशा ढूँढ़ते थे| 

ज्यादातर पनीर टिक्का को तंदूरी सीक के साथ सेककर बनाते है| पर हम यहाँ देसी तवा इस्तेमाल कर रहे है| 

पनीर टिक्का मसाला की अपनी पहचान है और यह पनीर बटर मसाला से अलग होता है स्वाद और देखने मे|. 
दोनों में फर्क इनके पकाने के तरीके से आता है| 

ऐसे ही शाही पनीर और पनीर बटर मसाला में भी फर्क होता है

कुछ लोग पनीर टिक्का मसाला को मलाई पनीर टिक्का के नाम से भी जानते है|

सामग्री जुटाए

  1. पनीर मैरीनेट करने के लिए सामग्री

2. तरी बनाने के लिए सामग्री

पनीर को मैरीनेट करें (समय - 21 मिनट)

  1. एक कटोरे मे पनीर, शिमला मिर्च, टमाटर और प्याज़ ले| अब अदरक लहसुन और वह सारे मसाले डाले जो कि मैरिनेशन के लिए बताये गए है| अब अच्छी तरह मिलाए|
2. अब मिलाए नीम्बू का रस, 2 चम्मच (Tsp) तेल और दही| अब अच्छी तरह मिलाए| कृपया यह ध्यान रखे की दही गाढ़ा हो जिससे कि सब्ज़ी अच्छी बने|
  1. अब इसे 20 मिनट के लिए अलग रख दे|
  2. मैरीनेशन के 20 मिनट के बाद अब हम पनीर टिक्का बनाना शुरू करेंगे|

पनीर टिक्का बनाये (समय - 10 मिनट)

  1. पनीर टिक्का को वैसे तो सीक में डालकर तंदूर पर सेका जाता है| अगर आपके पास ये सामान है तो आप इसे वैसे ही पका सकते है| 

    हम थोडा सा अलग तरीका इस्तेमाल कर रहे है
  1. एक चपटी कड़ाई ले, उसमे 2 बड़ा चम्मच तेल डाले और तेज़ आंच पर गर्म करे 2 मिनट के लिए|
  2. हम अपने व्यंजनों मे ज़्यादातर ओलिव तेल ही इस्तेमाल मे लाते है क्यूँकि यह दिल की बीमारी होने से बचाता है और कोलेस्ट्रोल के लिए भी अच्छा है| आप कोई भी तेल ले सकते है| 

    जब तेल गर्म हो जाए, स्टोव को मध्यम आंच पर कर ले| मैरिनेट की हुई सब्ज़ियाँ और पनीर के टुकड़े तेल मे एक एक करके डाले| 

    हर एक टुकड़े को ठीक से पकाना है, इसीलिए एक एक करके डाले| कढाई को इतना न भरे की टुकडो पाक न पाए| अगर कढाई छोटी है तो दो बार में भी पका सकते है|
  3. सब्जियों और मसालों को भूनने की खुशबू बहुत अच्छी होती है| हमारा चूल्हा बिजली वाला है| अगर आप भारतीय तरह के चूल्हे पर इसे बना रहे है तब भी आंच का माप वही रहेगा जो हम बता रहे है।
  4. इन्हें 1 मिनट तक पकने दे और फिर चूल्हे की आंच तेज कर दे| 
    अब इसे तेज़ आंच पर तले जब तक पनीर और सब्ज़ियाँ हलके सुनहरे भूरे रंग की न हो जाये|
  5. ध्यान रहे की पनीर और सब्जी के टुकडो को पलट ले जब वो एक तरफ से भूरे रंग के हो जाए| इस्पे नज़र बनाये रखे और जलने न दे| 

    जब दोनों तरफ से भूरे हो जाए तो एक कटोरे में निकाल ले| इसे बाद में इस्तेमाल करेंगे| अब तरी बनाने के लिए आगे बढे|

पनीर टिक्का मसाला की तरी (समय - 10 मिनट)

  1. एक बड़े तलने के बर्तन में 2 बड़े चम्मच तेल डाले और तेज़ आंच पर गर्म करे 3 मिनट के लिए|

  1. जब तेल गर्म हो जाए तो उसमे दालचीनी, इलाइची और लोंग डाले और 1 मिनट के लिए पकाए|
    खड़े मसाले किसी भी व्यंजन मे एक बहुत ही अलग सा स्वाद देते है| अगर यह आपके पास उपलब्ध नहीं है तो आप इन्हें छोड़ सकते है|
  2. अब टमाटर की प्यूरी और हरी मिर्च डाले और अच्छी तरह मिलाए| 1 मिनट और पकने दे|
  3. इस एक मिनट के अन्तराल में कोर्न्फ्लौर मे 1 बड़ा चम्मच (Tbsp) पानी डाले और इसे घोलकर एक तरफ रख दे|
  4. 1 मिनट बाद, चूल्हे को मध्यम आंच पर कर दे

  1. अब टमाटर की चटनी, कसूरी मेथी, भुना हुआ जीरा, सूखा अदरक का पाउडर, नमक और घुला हुआ कोर्न्फ्लौर डाले| अब अच्छी तरह हिलाए और 1 मिनट तक पकने दे|
  2. अब 1 मिनट के बाद इसमें मलाई (क्रीम) और पनीर टिक्का डाले| इसे अच्छी तरह मिलाए

इसमें धनिए की पत्तियां और चाट मसाला डाले|
चाट मसाला अगर आप नहीं डालना चाहते तो छोड़ सकते है| इसको चटपटा स्वाद देने के लिए इसमें चाट मसाला डाला गया है

  1. अब चुल्हे की आंच को बंद कर दे| अब आपके सामने स्वादिष्ट पनीर टिक्का मसाला व्यंजन तैयार है परोसने के लिए|

How to Create a YouTube Channel

How to Create a YouTube Channel

If you're reading this article, I probably don't need to tell you that video content accounts for over 74% of all online traffic, or that over five billion YouTube videos are watched every single day.
You already know YouTube is an important content tool, and you're ready to start leveraging video for your own business. I'm here to show you how to do it.

Download a Free 30-Day Planner for Your Business YouTube Channel.

This article will cover everything you need to know about creating a YouTube channel, so you can start uploading your own videos and growing your audience today.

How to Make a YouTube Channel

  1. 1.Register a Google account (if you don't already have one).
  2. 2.Create a new YouTube channel using your Google account.
  3. 3.Optimize your channel for discoverability.
  4. 4.Add links and descriptive details to your channel.
  5. 5.Upload a profile photo and cover art to your channel.
  6. 6.Add a banner image.
  7. 7.Add videos and optimize them for search.
  8. YouTube for Business: A 30-Day Roadmap for Channel Growth

    Tell us a little about yourself below to gain access today:

    Hi 👋 What's your name?
    First Name

    Last Name

    null Hi [[]], what's your email address?
    Email Address

    And your phone number?
    Phone Number

    What is your company's name and website?


    How many employees work there?

    Does your company provide any of the following services?
    Web Design
    Online Marketing
    Advertising Agency Services

    1. Register a Google account (if you don't already have one).

    To watch, share, create, and comment on YouTube content, you'll need a Google account.

    If You Don't Already Have a Google Account

    Go to and click "sign in" in the upper right-hand corner. From there, you'll be taken to a Google sign-in page. Click "more options":

  9. Then, click "create account":

  10. From there, you'll be asked to follow a few steps to create a Google account. Once you've completed them, proceed with the steps below.

    If You Do Already Have a Google Account

    Go to and click "sign in" in the upper right-hand corner. From there, you'll be taken to the same Google sign-in page above. If you have multiple Google accounts, be sure to select the one you want to be associated with the YouTube channel.

    2. Create a new YouTube channel using your Google account.

    Once you're set up with and signed into your Google account, it's time to create a channel. Back at, click your user icon in the upper right-hand corner. This represents both your Google account and you YouTube account (as YouTube is owned by Google). You'll see a drop-down menu, where you'll want to click "settings."
  11. From there, you'll be taken to your account overview. Under "additional features," click "create a new channel."
  12. The first step is to create a Brand Account. It can be whatever name you want, and doesn't have to be the same name that you used to create your Google account -- but we do recommend that it reflects the brand the YouTube Channel will represent.
  13. After you enter the Brand Account name, you might be asked to verify the account via text message or voice call. If that happens, enter the code you receive from the option you choose.
    Once you've verified your Brand Account, you'll be taken to the dashboard for your channel. Now, it's time to start customizing it.

    3. Optimize your channel for discoverability.

    We'll start with the fundamental details about your channel. From your channel dashboard, click "customize channel."
  14. After you click "customize channel," you'll be taken to your basic channel page, where you'll see a cogwheel on the right, as shown below.
  15. Click this cogwheel icon, then click on the section that says "advanced settings."
  16. Here's where you'll enter some basic information about your channel, like the country where it's based, as well keywords that help it people discover your channel when they enter search terms that describe what videos they're looking for. These keywords can include what your channel is about, the problems it helps solve, the people and products featured, your industry, and more.
    From the page shown above, you can then select whether or not you want to appear as a recommended channel on other account pages. It's also within these settings that you can link a Google Ads account, add a Google Analytics property tracking ID, and make various advertising selections for your channel when you're ready to promote certain videos across the YouTube platform.

    4. Add links and descriptive details to your channel.

    There are two elements of customization for a new YouTube channel: descriptive details, and visuals. Descriptive details tell your channel visitors (and, eventually, subscribers) what purpose your channel serves and the type of video content they should expect to see published by you. Let's add those details now.
    To describe your YouTube channel for your viewers, you'll want to add a channel description and links to other webpages associated with your brand. Back on your channel customization dashboard, click on the "About" tab
  17. There, you'll be asked to fill in such details as a channel description -- which you can optimize with keywords for more discoverability -- as well as contact information and links to your website and social media channels.
    Up to five links can overlay your channel art, meaning that the banner on your profile page will contain icons for the links you choose to overlay on this list. To add these links, navigate to the About section of your YouTube channel and click "+ Links." This button will reveal a space where you can add branded links directing users to various websites and social networks where they can learn about and consume more content from you. See what this space looks like below, and how a business might add links to its Facebook, Twitter, and personal website.
  18. For example, if you wanted to overlay your banner with a link to your Facebook Page, it might look like this as a result:

  19. If your YouTube channel is linked to a Brand Account, as is the example we used in the previous step, you'll need to update this image in the "About" section of your Google account. Note that this rule also applies to your channel name when using a Brand Account.
    When you click "change" under your profile icon, you might see this me
  20. Click "edit," and you'll be taken to the page shown below, where you can edit your Brand Account information, including your profile photo (which will be displayed on your YouTube channel).
  21. We recommend choosing an image with dimensions of 800 x 800 pixels for this profile photo.

    6. Add a banner image.

    Next, it's time to add your banner image. Back on your channel customization dashboard, along the top, you'll see your newly added profile photo on the top-lefthand corner. As far as that gray background surrounding it is concerned, you can (and should) change it to something more, well, you. Here's how.
    Hover your cursor over this gray background to reveal a small pencil icon on the top-righthand corner. Click this icon and select "Edit channel art" when this option appears, as shown below.
  22. One of the trickiest parts of channel art is creating a responsive banner that matches dimensions for various user experiences, like desktop, mobile, or TV. Luckily, Google has this handy image that represents the best dimension for each viewing platform.
  23. Need a little inspiration? Check out this post with some of the best YouTube banners we've found.
    As you can see from the resources above, the minimum dimensions for your YouTube banner image are 1546 x 423 -- this size prevents relevant text and images contained in your banner image from leaking off of someone's screen -- whether that screen is a desktop, laptop, or mobile device. The maximum width for your banner image is 2560 x 423, and your image's file size shouldn't exceed 6MB.

    7. Add videos and optimize them for search.

    Optimizing your channel for discoverability is just the beginning. Once you start adding videos, you'll want to optimize them for search, which in turn helps users discover your video.
    But this goes beyond giving your videos accurate, clear, and concise titles -- though that is important. Below, we describe some of the most important things to optimize on YouTube. (For a fully comprehensive post on YouTube SEO, visit this post.)


    When we search for videos, one of the first things that our eyes are drawn to is the title. That's often what determines whether or not the viewer will click to watch your video, so the title should not only be compelling, but also, clear and concise.


    This should be limited to 1,000 characters -- and remember that your viewer came here to watch a video, not to read a lot of text. Plus, YouTube only displays the first two or three lines of text, which comes to about 100 characters, so front-load the description with the most important information.


    Using tags doesn’t just let viewers know what your video is about -- they inform YouTube, too, which uses tags "to understand the content and context of your video," according to Backlinko. That way, YouTube can associate your video with similar videos, which can broaden your content's reach. But approach with caution -- just as with your title, don't use misleading tags because they might get you more views -- in fact, Google might penalize you for that.


    Choosing a category is another way to group your video with similar content on YouTube -- but that might not be as simple as it sounds. YouTube's Creator Academy suggests that marketers "think about what is working well for each category" you're considering by answering questions like:
    • Who are the top creators within the category? What are they known for, and what do they do well?
    • Are there any patterns between the audiences of similar channels within a given category?
    • Do the videos within a similar category have share qualities like production value, length, or format?
    That's it -- you've officially not only created a YouTube channel, but now also know how to optimize its content for discoverability. For more information on how to best leverage YouTube for marketing, check our entire collection of resources.

  24. THANK YOU...

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